Download new and improved Firing schedules with detailed info on VENTING.
A sheet of decals, fresh out of printer.
This sheet has yet to be cover coated.
Soaking the Decal.
Squeegee out water from under Decal
The trick is applying pressure to the squeegee, firmly, but gently, pulling from center of decal out.
TRANSFERRING the decal to a ceramic or glass surface.
Clean the glazed ceramic/glass surface with a 50/50 mix of white distilled vinegar & isopropyl alcohol 91%- harder to find than the 89% but well worth the trouble. Next you will begin the waterslide decal process to transfer the decal over to the glass or ceramic surface. We recommend using warm distilled water and an electric skillet to hold about 2” of distilled water warm to the touch.
1. Place the decal in the water, let soak until it uncurls and before the paper backing separates from the decal. Remove from water, lay it on a clean paper towel. Let the decal rest for a bit it will help the backing lather up a bit with the adhesive on the backing. We clean the substrate while it rests.
2. Gently lay decal on the glazed ceramic/glass surface where you want it to be. For ceramics, the surface you apply the decal on should be glazed. Hold down one edge and gently slide the paper from under the decal, leaving the image on the covercoat only. Warming the ceramic/glass is also helpful. Heat lamps or a hot plate with kiln-furniture to support the ceramic or glass allows for gentle heat- warm to touch. This helps keep the decal flexible.
We try to decal the day before we fire. If not, our recommended firing schedule allows for complete drying with the very slow first segment. Only experience / patience in handling and applying these decals brings consistent success.
3. Now, the part that is critical-getting the water out from under the decal. First you squeegee gently but firmly starting from the middle and working out.
4. Hold tile up at eye level and check for air bubbles. Gently resqueegee if you see any. If you don’t get the decal well squeegied there will be air bubbles and holes in your image when fired. (soft red silicone squeegees- about 3-4 inches wide are available at
Another trick to get rid of bubbles- we gently press a folded up paper towel the size of the glass and apply medium pressure with a brayer working from inside or center out.
Please download from the pdf links above INSTRUCTIONS on firing the Decals. We have added new information about VENTING. Since we have a NEW PRINTER, schedules have been twicked- using what we learned throughout 2022 when applying decals for our Public Art Commissions. See for examples of finished artwork using decals for Glass and Ceramics.